The Underworld
The sunless land that receives all men

Obols, staff & boat
Give me the coin placed upon your tongue and I will transport you from the shore, across the river, and into the land of your afterlife.
Twin torches, black dog, moonlight & keys
I am the Goddess of magick, witches and the crossroads. With torches and moonlight, I illuminate crossroads for those looking for new paths and those looking to communicate with the dead. I am the magick that is older than time.

Staff, crocus, hawks
Trust me to steal away your soul, leading you down into the depths of your subconscious and beyond. As we descend together, you'll not be alone as you shed one life and begin another.
The Erinyes
Dark-winged justice, vipers
We are the Furies. My sisters and I will find the root of your undeserved pain and suffering, tear it from you and devour it. Is your angst based in guilt? The rite of purification can release you from your self induced madness.

The Dead
We are the dead. Shades. Shadows of mortal lives extinguished by Thanatos, delivered by Cthonic Hermes and ferried to the feet of Hades and Persephone who keep us. Billions of us reside in all the corners of the Underworld. We scream into the darkness of Tartarus, wander the grey plains of Asphodel and float in the peace of the Bless'd Isle. We are joyous, loving, angry, vengeful, confused. We are the distillation of the experience of our mortal lives.
The Fates
Spindle, thread, scissors
Hear the sound of shears slicing through thread as you slump to the ground, followed by a coin placed upon your tongue. Is your fate sealed once you're born and your thread is measured out to a specific length? Is your purpose set? Can it be seen by those who've known you since before your birth?